Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Do Nothing to Feed Hungry Rhode Islanders

Posted in Uncategorized on May 19, 2010 by Kerri

Several months ago, I visited the Warwick Mall (poor flooded mall) with my brother Michael.  We were lazily browsing in each store, trying to pass the time on another cold winter day, when we were approached by a young man.  He asked if we wanted to participate in a taste test in exchange for a Dunkin Donuts gift card.  I inquired if the sample food was gluten-free, since Michael and I both have celiac, and I was assured that the sample was a-okay.

After signing a release form, we were led behind a set of curtains to a table and chairs surrounded by several video cameras.  The table held a microphone and a silver dome that covered a dish.  As Michael and I sat down on one side of the table, a handsome guy who looked like a news reporter or game show host took a seat opposite us.

He said that we were going to sample something that Rhode Islanders eat every day and he wanted our opinion about it.  I instantly started pondering–what do Rhode Islanders eat every day that’s gluten-free?  Iced Coffee?  Seafood?  Del’s Lemonade?

He slowly lifted the lid to reveal NOTHING.  An empty plate.  He gave us a moment to take it all in and then explained that many Rhode Island residents eat nothing.  They go hungry.

When asked how that made us feel, I said that I work for a non-profit organization so I know how many people come to us on a daily basis looking for food, clothing, shelter, etc.  I’ve watched these issues devastate so many people–home owners, small business owners, college graduates, small children, people who are running out of welfare benefits, youth aging out of foster care, the elderly etc.  Hunger doesn’t discriminate.

Our eye-opening taste test was part of the Rhode Island Community Food Bank’s new fundraising campaign.

Besides great videos, the Nothing campaign also includes billboards, radio spots, and these nifty Nothing brand cans that are for sale at local markets and stores for $2.99–the cost of purchasing 10 pounds of food for someone in need.  The cans also have a slot in the top to gather even more donations for the Food Bank.

This fundraising campaign has gained attention from NPR, the New York Times, and other media outlets.

Please considering doing nothing for hunger in Rhode Island.

MayDay! MayDay!

Posted in Uncategorized on May 1, 2010 by Kerri

Disclaimer: What follows is some personal evaluating, grumbling, and navel gazing.  I swear it leads to something positive in the end. Please stick with me.

I have spent the majority of the past several months in a deep, deep funk.

First I broke my leg which required surgery, followed by three months of physical therapy.  Despite the fact that I built some killer biceps from crutching myself all over the place, I managed to gain a lot of weight.  I consider myself lucky that I have little to no pain in my leg, even though I’m now a bionic woman with a metal plates.

I have always been deathly afraid of falling down (I can recount endless stories of hikes, leisurely strolls, winter wonderlands, small obstacles to climb, etc. that were filled with panic and anxiety).  Now, after falling down a flight of stairs and breaking my leg, I find myself even more panic-stricken and less motivated to move my body around for fear of something catastrophic happening.

I’m also still mourning the loss of school, after graduating in December, since learning and academic achievement are as important to me as oxygen (I kid you not).  Although school put me further in debt and it was often a struggle to balance school work with my full-time job, I loved every second of it.  Like when I finished my Bachelor’s Degree, I fear that I may never have the time or resources to learn again.

Speaking of my full-time job, it’s gotten incredibly difficult in terms of creating a work/life balance that allows me to focus on self-care.  Since I started in this leadership role five years ago, my staff size has more than tripled and the number of programs I oversee has more than doubled.  It has been nonstop since I returned from medical leave in November.  Many nights and weekends I find myself taking care of small tasks to keep myself alive (showering, brushing my teeth, doing laundry so I have clean clothes), then I dive back into work.  I can’t recall the last time I made more than one homemade meal (featuring a protein and a veggie or fruit) in a given week.  Or the last time I packed my lunch for work and actually had time to eat it.  My work to-do list is endless.

I’m having difficulty finding time (and money) to take care of myself.  Healthy eating and exercise are out the window.  I haven’t practiced yoga or written consistently since before I broke my leg.  I haven’t had a haircut since October.  My clothes don’t fit well anymore and it’s a struggle to dress myself in a professional manner every day.  I have ZERO extra dollars to my name and a mountain of debt.  I can count on one hand the number of fun things I’ve done in the past several months.

Where has all of this negativity lead?  To me spending practically all of my precious spare time (and spare money I don’t have) gorging myself on unhealthy foods.  Chips and cheese and gluten-free desserts and chocolate and soda and more cheese.  I am a binge eater.  It is my #1 way of coping with the hurt and the stress.

Every year, I try to set New Years resolutions that always get discarded by the end of January.  Who wants to renew themselves at a time when it’s cold and raw outside?  When everything is dead or hibernating?

As I lay down in bed this afternoon (belly full of more cheese and chips, disgusted with myself) I noticed how beautiful the weather is today.  May Day.  The birds are chirping.  New leafs are blowing on the trees.  Everything feels alive.  Warm.  Promising.  Fresh.  The kind of day where you want to pick fresh fruit and enjoy it in the warm sunlight.  A perfect day to send a distress signal to myself (it is mayday after all). More to come soon.

Beck Diet Solution: Day Three

Posted in Uncategorized on September 25, 2008 by Kerri

The South Beach Diet has started this morning!  Once I finish cooking my turkey bacon, I can eat my breakfast (chunky vegetable hash with an egg on top).  I have already roasted some chickpeas and currently have a spaghetti squash in the oven.  Yay motivation!

For Day Three, I am supposed to commit to eating all of my meals sitting down.  According to the author, many people with weight loss issues eat a lot of extra calories while eating samples at the supermarket, swiping snacks from a co-worker’s desk, etc.  I don’t really see myself having that problem at all, mostly because of my gluten-free diet.  I don’t easily trust food created by other people. 

However, this chapter did make me think about how often I eat in front of the television or while watching a video online.  It’s weird.  If I’m reading a book, magazine, or website, I can read while being fully aware of what I’m eating.  But when I eat while watching something, I have no idea what’s going into my mouth. 

So instead of making a pledge to stop eating while standing up, I am making a pledge to no longer eat food while watching television or videos.  I will eat all of my meals either at my desk or at the kitchen table.  I may read a book, magazine, or website.

Beck Diet Solution: Day Two

Posted in Uncategorized on September 23, 2008 by Kerri

Today’s task from the Beck Diet Solution book is to pick out two healthy eating plans to follow–one as a primary plan and another one for a backup in case #1 becomes boring or too difficult.  The book also asks the reader to weigh the pros and cons of each choice as a future reference point. 

Right now, I’m stuck between continuing on CalorieKing (basic calorie/fat/carb/protein/etc. tracking software) or trying the South Beach Diet. 

CalorieKing Pros:

  • I already own a subscription to the website for the next 10 months, so there will be no additional costs right now.
  • The site has a great built-in support network from hundreds of other CalorieKing members.
  • Counting calories is a proven system for eating well and losing weight without any gimmicks.

CalorieKing Cons:

  • I have been a member of CalorieKing for over 6 years, with dozens of restarts and not a lot of success. 
  • Since I am responsible for logging my own food, I can squeeze in a way to eat junk food at the expense of healthy things like fruits and vegetables. 

South Beach Diet Pros:

  • I already own the book, so there will be no extra expenses to start right now.
  • South Beach’s principals are a great fit for how I should be eating–lots of fruits, veggies, healthy fats, lean proteins, lean dairy, and whole grains.  There are so many crappy gluten-free carbs on the market that do more harm than good. 
  • This plan offers the most hope for a large initial weight loss, which would boost my confidence and keep me going.
  • Out of all “diets” on the market, South Beach gets the most praise for being a healthy way to eat for life.

South Beach Diet Cons:

  • I unsuccessfully tried South Beach back in 2002.  I made it through the first week of Phase One, then Dan and I freaked out and ordered pizza.  Until the pizza binge, I had lost 7 pounds and was feeling pretty good. 
  • Phase One is very expensive to implement, especially on my budget. 
  • I’m afraid of feeling so restricted that the plan will cause me to short circuit again and dive face first into gluten-free pizza. 

After a whole day of thought, I have decided to make the South Beach Diet my primary healthy eating plan with CalorieKing as a faithful backup.  I will start following South Beach this Thursday, after I do my grocery shopping. 

Beck Diet Solution: Day One

Posted in Uncategorized on September 22, 2008 by Kerri

After hearing or reading about 20+ people who swear by the Beck Diet Solution, I checked the book out of the library.  So far, it makes a lot of sense and seems to be a decent tool for my particular healthy living issues.  Since many of the author’s recommended activities involve writing things down, I figured why not post them here too? 

For Day One, I needed to write a prioritized list for Why I Want to Lose Weight.  Here it goes:

1.  I’ll be healthier, not only for the big health issues that come later in life (high blood pressure, heart issues, possible diabetes, etc.) but also for issues I suffer from now such as asthma. 

2.  I’ll feel better physically.  I often I find myself really achy after a long day and catch myself daydreaming about a crazy chiropractic session or 3-hour massage.  Also, I get sick really easily…I could definitely use an immunity boost. 

3.  I’ll have more confidence.  There seems to be some major gaps between how I live my life and how I wish to live it, and the gaps usually occur because of my lack of confidence.

4.  I’ll feel more outgoing.  See #3.

5.  I’ll revitalize my sex life.  ‘nough said there.  😉

6.  I won’t feel so self conscious.  I often overthink the most mundane tasks (getting up in the middle of class to walk to the restroom, speaking to people I don’t know well) because I am self conscious. 

7.  I’ll be able to wear a smaller size.  I’m not trying to be mean, but most plus-sized retailers sell fugly shit with astronomical price tags.  I’m sick of it. 

8.  I’ll do more things.  Visit amusement parks, play sports, dance at a local club, go to the beach when the sun is out, etc.

9.  I’ll look better.

10.  I’ll be able to wear more stylish clothes (that are hopefully more affordable).

11.  I’ll increase my self-esteem.

12.  I’ll be happier when I look in the mirror.

13.  I’ll be happier taking photos and documenting my life.

14.  I’ll live longer.

Prevention Buzz Blog: My Re-introduction to Bike Riding

Posted in Uncategorized on September 22, 2008 by Kerri

Although not entirely gluten-free related, I also wanted to pass along another blog post I wrote about riding a bike for the first time in over 13 years. 

My Re-introduction to Bike Riding

Food/Exercise for Today

Posted in Uncategorized on May 27, 2008 by Kerri

Many years ago, I joined the online website Calorie King–an online calorie and exercise counter with other great supports including recipes, public forums, and blogs.  I lost some weight while using Calorie King, but more importantly I learned the fundamentals about living a healthy lifestyle. 

After a six month hiatus, I’ve returned to Calorie King and have decided to make my food and exercise diary public for all to see.  I would like to keep myself accountable during this journey, so I ask all of you to click on the link entitled “Food/Exercise for Today!”  Take a look at what I’m eating, how I’m exercising.  If I’m not logging, give me a little kick in the rear.  I’d appreciate any feedback you have to offer and I hope you too can learn something about healthy, gluten-free eating. 

The Power of YouTube

Posted in Uncategorized on May 7, 2008 by Kerri

I purchased an iPhone a while back, so I have spent many hours surfing the Internet while riding the train, waiting at the doctor’s office, walking down the street (which I would not recommend!).  While using the YouTube feature, I discovered that there are many videos of people making gluten-free recipes.  Some are fabulous; others not so much.  But until the Food Network or PBS recognize the growing need for allergy-friendly recipes, homemade YouTube videos are a pretty decent substitution. 

Some videos are pretty entertaining, like this GF pizza recipe posted by The Celiac Sisters.  Extra points for the soundtrack and dancing:

Healthy Food For Life offers a quick GF breakfast quesadilla recipe:

Please post in the comments if you find an interesting video/recipe!